
10 02 2010

Sometimes you just gotta get out there!

Performing well in any endurance sport requires consistency.  I don’t mean that you have toexercise every day for 280 days in a row to excel, but you do have to commit to getting out the door most days of the week.

In the winter, this can be particularly tough.  Finding the motivation to go for a bike ride when it’s below freezing is nearly impossible for me. That’s why cross-training during the cold months is so valuable.  Put on your skate skis, go for a run, use the elliptical at the gym, whatever.  If you’re training for the PPP, it doesn’t matter too much what you are doing for training right now, so long as you are doing something.  Get your heart rate up!  Do some squats and situps in your living room while you watch Lost.  We can work on the specifics of the race later.

*The only caveat I have to the above is if you are new to cross-country skiing, the time to start is now.  Skiing, whether skate or classic, takes some real time to learn the technique.  Getting help from anyone who is a proficient skier or taking a lesson will really speed up the learning process.  Skating can be seriously frustrating to try to teach yourself.  You won’t regret getting some lessons.*

Personal PPP Training Plans

23 01 2010

One of the tougest parts about the Pole, Pedal, Paddle is the number of events you have to train for.  We’re all busy and trying to improve at 5 different sports simultaneously is tough.  PPP Coach can help.  By creating a personalized training plan based on your experience in each event and goals for the race, you can maximize your valuable training time.  This will translate into a more fun and, undoubtedly, a faster PPP result.  Interested in how we can help you? Read the rest of this entry »

Winter Hydration

23 01 2010
Yeah, it might be frigid outside but if you’re exercising, you’re sweating.  Speaking from personal experience, it’s easy to get tricked by the cold.  You may not feel as thirsty when it’s cold outside, but proper hydration is still important.  And when the temperature really starts to drop, staying warm is a concern too.  For the winter, I recommend warm sports drink.  Nothing special here, Gatorade powder and hot tap water.  Read the rest of this entry »

PPP Coaching Launched

20 01 2010

Welcome to PPP Coach.  I want to help YOU prepare for Bend’s favorite annual event.  The race is coming soon: May 15 so I hope you’re already thinking about getting off the coach and starting to get fit.  More than any other tip I can provide, planning ahead is the way to be successful at the Pole, Pedal, Paddle.  Need help?

I provide:

  • personalized training plans, helping you balance all the events and your busy week
  • private lessons, whether you are still a little shaky on cross-country ski technique or are trying to shave just 20 seconds off your bike time with a more aero-position
  • group training classes geared towards being fit and prepared for the PPP
  • instructional seminars guiding you through all the equipment, transitions, and general stress that the Pole, Pedal, Paddle brings